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Suicide Orkney Support

Suicide Orkney Support has been developed in partnership with our Health, Social work and emergency services.

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About Us

About the Suicide Orkney Support App

The app aims to help those in need to manage and put in place helpful strategies to cope in times of crisis. The app contains a variety of local and national support services which people can access via the links in the app.

Please Note: This app is not a replacement for professional help, we recommend seeking further support form a health professional.

Managing Crisis

A section designed for individuals and their support network to build a plan. Within this section a Safety Plan can be personalised and designed to support people to identify Warning signs and coping strategies alongside a list of contacts for further supports people can access.

Help for Friends and Family

Although the app is designed to support a person in need, we have a variety of supports friends and families may wish to access to guide and support them. As a person who cares about someone you too may need a bit of support to open conversations or be guided things to be aware of.

Learn About Suicide

Within the app we provide a variety of videos from charities and orgnaisations to learn more about suicide prevention. You will find links to you tube pages and channels which can support a greater understanding of suicide through 'real life stories' and research from these organisations.


Within this app we made space for you to record things to remember, this includes good memories or pictures of your favorite places to help remind us there are so many happy memories we can smile remembering.

How to install the app

Installing our app from your mobile browser to access our tools and resources quickly and easily, directly from your home screen.

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